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Renato Goulart


Saxophonist, composer and arranger
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Musical Groups

Monte Pascoal


The Monte Pascoal - Saxophone Quartet & Percussion skillfully reinvents important classics of the Brazilian Popular Music and distinctively plays pieces from the erudite repertoire and contemporary Brazilian authors. They manage to unite the universes of popular and erudite music and the result is creative music with great quality.

The band’s line-up is original and high-level: five music scholars reuniting all the charm from the sax family in harmony with the percussion. The sax players Renato Goulart (soprano sax), Luis Flávio Aguiar (alto sax), Ivan Egídio (tenor sax) and Vinícius Augustus (baritone sax) are accompanied by the percussionist Eduardo Campos in delightfully creative arrangements.

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